County gets first airport bids

The Allen County Regional Airport is considering asking for bids to map out a plan to expand utilities.



April 21, 2021 - 9:26 AM

A rare April snow falls outside the Allen County courthouse. Photo by Trevor Hoag / Iola Register

The Allen County Regional Airport is one step closer to expanding its utilities.

Jonathon Goering, economic development director for Thrive Allen County, presented commissioners with some initial bids for mapping out the project.

He recommended BG Consulting, whose total cost for meetings, site visits, infrastructure evaluations and plan development would total around $19,000.

The vast majority, but as yet undetermined percentage, of this amount would be covered by federal or state dollars.

BG Consulting has already done work in Humboldt, and according to City Administrator Cole Herder, “I’ve been very satisfied with them, they’ve done very good work for us on several projects.”

No action was taken at this time regarding the bids, but commissioners seemed amenable to moving the process along.

Chelsie Angleton, 911 director, spoke with commissioners about attending a conference in Las Vegas this July, focused on dispatch administration.

The conference was already included in the dispatch center’s budget, so commissioners quickly moved to approve.

Jason Trego, emergency management director, also provided commissioners with an update on extreme weather.

Commissioner Bruce Symes joked that he was already prepared since “the almanac told me not to plant my tomatoes early.”

During his weekly report, public works director Mitch Garner presented commissioners with some possible pothole machine models to purchase.

Berkamp Company has both a spray injection patcher and a flameless patcher that Garner said looked promising, and would enable repairs to be made year-round.

He also said that once a pothole patching machine was in place, the need for repairs around the county was acute enough that, for one crew member, “that’s all they’d be doing all the time.”

Work has been progressing steadily at the rural intersection of Nebraska and 1800 Roads, and Garner also mentioned that preliminary steps were being taken on the Elsmore-Savonburg road in order to perform chip-seal repairs.

County crews have been hard at work on the intersection of 1800 and Nebraska Roads.Photo by Trevor Hoag / Iola Register

In other news, department heads from Allen County will be traveling to Yates Center next week for a regional meeting of county leaders.

Commissioners renewed their annual agreement with Tri-Valley Developmental Services.
