County Commission hopeful stresses future



August 11, 2018 - 4:00 AM

Bill King, from left, David Lee and Ron Ballard

David Lee promises to bring a fresh perspective to the Allen County Commission if he’s chosen by his fellow Republicans at a meeting of GOP precinct committee members Tuesday.

Lee is one of three announced candidates seeking to fill the unexpired term of Tom Williams, who is resigning from the Commission next week to take a job with the Kansas attorney general’s office. The others are Iola City Councilman Ron Ballard and Bill King, retired public works director for the county. (Ballard’s and King’s comments were in Thursday’s Register.)

Lee, who serves on the La-Harpe City Council and Bowlus Fine Arts Center Commission, said his initial plan was to run for the County Commission in 2020, to give him time to fulfill his commitments to the other governing bodies. The vacancy pushed up his timetable.

“I have no ruts that I’m stuck in,” Lee said. “I have no axes to grind, and I’m not hesitant to reach out and gain advice from those I would represent.”

He noted his 33-plus years in the military have allowed him to work closely with a number of federal agencies in terms of emergency management.

Lee’s primary concern for the county is its declining population — with a subsequent shrinking tax base — does not necessarily mean expenses will drop accordingly.

“I am concerned with economic development in the county, not just within our small communities but also in our rural areas,” he said. “Are we missing the boat somewhere?”

The 16 Republican precinct committee members will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Allen County Courthouse basement meeting room to discuss, nominate and ultimately designate Williams’ replacement. The public is invited.

May 29, 2020
December 19, 2018
August 9, 2018
April 17, 2018