County attorney to leave position



January 3, 2011 - 12:00 AM

Jerry Hathaway, Allen County attorney since 2004, announced his resignation Thursday to become senior assistant prosecuting attorney in the major crimes unit for Greene County in Springfield, Mo.
Last day in Allen County for Hathaway, a Republican, will be Jan. 14.
“The opportunity in Springfield was too good to pass up,” he told the Register.
Hathaway came to Allen County in 2002 to assist then County Attorney Nanette Kemmerly-Weber, and was elected in 2004. He was re-elected in 2008, defeating Linus Thuston, a Chanute attorney. Prior to coming to Allen County, Hathaway worked in the Kansas attorney general’s office.
Kansas county attorneys have no residency requirements, and that could play a role in selection of Hathaway’s successor.
Wade Bowie, Hathaway’s assistant for 51⁄2 years, told the Register he would actively seek appointment to fill the vacancy created by Hathaway’s
“He has handled felonies, misdemeanors and traffic cases and, in my opinion, no attorney in Kansas is better with child-in-need-care cases,” Hathaway said, and that Bowie’s transition to full-time county attorney “would be a seamless one.”
The selection process will involve GOP precinct men and women from throughout the county.
Allen County Clerk Sherrie Riebel, county election official, said she officially would notify Jim Talkington, county Republican chairman, of the pending vacancy this week. He then will call a convention of the precinct representatives. The name of whomever they nominate will be forwarded to the governor, who will make the appointment.
Hathaway’s successor will serve until a new full-time attorney is elected in the next general election on Nov. 6, 2012.
