Concert Sunday at Trinity UMC



December 10, 2015 - 12:00 AM

The domed ceiling is what provides superior acoustics in Trinity United Methodist Church, so say the experts.
“The resonance is awesome,” said Loretta Ellis, who sings alto.
The intimate setting of the small church will further enhance Sunday’s performance of the Christmas Vespers, a 59-year-old tradition in the Iola community.
The 27-member community choir will perform Christmas carols at the 3 p.m. program under the direction of Terry Meadows, music instructor for Humboldt schools.
Accompanists are Jan Knewtson, piano, and Rhonda Sigg, flute.
Keira Fawson, 9, brings a special touch with a solo in “Who Will Go To Bethlehem.”
Adding to the poignancy of Sunday’s performance is that Trinity’s last service is scheduled for April 30.
“With us closing, this makes it kind of special,” said Gary McIntosh, longtime member of the church.
Trinity Methodist, at the intersection of Broadway and Kentucky, has merged its services with Wesley United Methodist and Calvary Methodist Church.

THE IOLA Music Club began the Christmas program 60 years ago.
When the local music club disbanded in 2002, the Southeast Kansas Christian Artists Series took the reins.
