Commission considers night move



June 21, 2017 - 12:00 AM

Allen County commissioners will gauge public interest in evening meetings, also whether having some of those sessions on the road would find favor.
A constituent proposed evening meetings to give the public better opportunities to hear first hand what commissioners discuss and do, and, when deemed appropriate, to participate.
A schedule has yet to be developed, but likelihood is night meetings will be rotated among Iola, Humboldt and Moran venues. If they fail to pique public interest, they probably will be discontinued.
For years commissioners have met at 8:30 each Tuesday morning, a time that precludes many citizens with daytime employment from joining in without hardship.
Also, the Register will publish in each Monday’s edition, starting next week, the agenda for the upcoming commission meeting.
Tuesday’s meeting mostly was given to brief reviews of 2018 budget proposals by several department heads, including District Judge Dan Creitz and District Court Clerk Dena Morrison. Other fiscal comments came from Treasurer Darolyn Maley, Register of Deeds Cara Barkdoll, Clerk Sherrie Riebel and Ron Holman, maintenance supervisor.
Commissioners approved purchase of a trailer from Craft Trailer Supply, Kansas City, Mo., for the highest of three bids, $3,276. Other bids were from companies in Kentucky and Arkansas.
Aside from Creitz’s budget discussion were comments about courthouse security, which will be reviewed by Department of Homeland Security experts. Suggestions for security measures for courthouse offices may come from the review.
