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Local News

June 12, 2018 - 11:00 PM



Monday-Seekers Not Slackers 4-H Club, Lone Elm Community Building, 7 p.m.; Tuesday-Library board meeting, City Hall Community Room, 5:30 p.m.; June 20-Lions Club, United Methodist Church basement, 7 p.m.; 21-County bus to Iola, phone 24 hours before you need a ride (785) 448-4410.

Little League

Girls – Colony 1-Thursday (three games); T-ball and coach pitch; Monday-three games; Colony 1-Monday (three games), June 21 — Colony 2- (two games).

Boys – Friday-1 Colony (two games), 2 Colony-June 22 (Little League only), 8 p.m.

Meal site

Friday-tuna salad, white bean soup, hamburger bun, Jell-O with fat; Monday-chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, succotash, bread, plums; June 20-Birthday meal-fried chicken breast, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, roll, cake, ice cream. Phone 620-852-3457 for meal reservations.

Christian Church

Bruce Symes gave the Communion meditation Sunday on Carol Wimmer’s poem, “I am a Christian.” Pastor Chase Riebel’s sermon was “Being Shipwrecked,” taken from Acts 27:13-44. He followed Saul’s journey to becoming the apostle Paul, and his subsequent journey as a prisoner on a ship heading to Rome.

Men’s Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesday; youth group is at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, followed by a meal and prayer at 5:30 and adult Bible study at

7. The current study is “Evangelism.” The public is invited.

Creative Blessings will perform at 4 p.m. Friday in Joplin.

Contact Jessica Riebel for more information.

Cowboy Church
