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Local News

June 12, 2018 - 11:00 PM



Monday-Seekers Not Slackers 4-H Club, Lone Elm Community Building, 7 p.m.; Tuesday-Library board meeting, City Hall Community Room, 5:30 p.m.; June 20-Lions Club, United Methodist Church basement, 7 p.m.; 21-County bus to Iola, phone 24 hours before you need a ride (785) 448-4410.

Little League

Girls – Colony 1-Thursday (three games); T-ball and coach pitch; Monday-three games; Colony 1-Monday (three games), June 21 — Colony 2- (two games).

Boys – Friday-1 Colony (two games), 2 Colony-June 22 (Little League only), 8 p.m.

Meal site

Friday-tuna salad, white bean soup, hamburger bun, Jell-O with fat; Monday-chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, succotash, bread, plums; June 20-Birthday meal-fried chicken breast, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, roll, cake, ice cream. Phone 620-852-3457 for meal reservations.

Christian Church

Bruce Symes gave the Communion meditation Sunday on Carol Wimmer’s poem, “I am a Christian.” Pastor Chase Riebel’s sermon was “Being Shipwrecked,” taken from Acts 27:13-44. He followed Saul’s journey to becoming the apostle Paul, and his subsequent journey as a prisoner on a ship heading to Rome.

Men’s Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesday; youth group is at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, followed by a meal and prayer at 5:30 and adult Bible study at

7. The current study is “Evangelism.” The public is invited.

Creative Blessings will perform at 4 p.m. Friday in Joplin.

Contact Jessica Riebel for more information.

Cowboy Church

Cindy Beckmon and the praise band led worshipers Sunday at High Point Cowboy Church.

Pastor Jon Petty spoke about hope. In Jeremiah 29:11-13, God promises everyone hope, confident expectation in who He says we are and what He says we can do. Without expectations, there is no hope.


Sunday’s Scripture at the United Methodist Church service was Psalm 138, 1 Samuel 8: 4-20, 2 Corinthians 4: 13-5: 1 and Mark 3:20-30. Pastor Dorothy Welch presented the sermon, “To Be A Witness.”


The Crest Education Foundation had a busy spring. The co-ed softball tournament in Kincaid in May was a succes.

Nine teams played 16 games, and generated more than $1,300 for Crest schools.

Sigg Tire of Iola took home first place tournament T-shirts.

CEF’s second fund-raiser, “You’ve Been Flocked,” also generated plenty of funds.
