

Local News

July 24, 2018 - 11:00 PM


August 1-Lions Club, United Methodist Church basement, 7 p.m.; 2-County bus to Garnett, phone 24 hrs. before you need a ride, 785-448-4410 any weekday; Community Church Missionary, Church Annex, 1:30 p.m.; United Methodist Women, United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 7 p.m.

Meal site

July 27-tuna salad, white bean soup, hamburger bun, rosy applesauce; 30-chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, succotash, bread, plums; August 1-Roast beef with gravy, mashed potatoes, Prince Edward veggies, roil, cherry crisp. Phone 620-852-3457 for meal reservations.

Christian Church

Darren McGhee gave the Communion Meditation. Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon “Love mercy, Do right, Live humbly,” referencing Micah 6:1-8. We are subjects of the King, challenged to live holy lives.

Men’s Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesday. Youth group is at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, followed by a meal and prayer at 5:30, and then the adult Bible study at 7 p.m. Our current study is on “Evangelism.” Creative Blessing women’s life group will be making a memory ornament at the parsonage Tuesday, 9-11 a.m. Please bring fabric. The youth will be having a kid’s game day at the parsonage, Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m. Bring your favorite board games or puzzles. July 29 will be Youth Sunday.

Northcott Church

26-Women of Faith at 6:30 p.m.; Dinner menu is potato bar. Lowell and Judy Mason, Evangelism to America and Russia, Lahore Bible Institute, Widow’s Mite Mission, Kristan Hammond in Peru, Wounded Warriors. Contact: Leon LaGalle, 620-228-2644


Scripture presented at Sunday’s United Methodist Church service was Psalms 89:20-37, II Samuel 7:1-14, Ephesians 2:11-22 and Mark 6:30-34, and 53. Pastor Dorothy Welch presented the sermon.

Story hour

There were 16 children and four youth helpers present. Debbie Wools read three stories: “Ketzel, The Cat Who Composed” “Clap Your Hands” and “The Listening Walk.” Rain sticks were made during craft time. Refreshments were cupcakes with musical note decorations.

There are two Story Hour sessions remaining. The last one on July 31 chips, drink and dessert will be served.

