Tuition will increase, as will room and board rates for students at Allen County Community College in the fall.
College trustees approved at their monthly meeting Thursday a $3 increase in tuition, from $47 to $50 per credit hour, and a $50 increase, from $4,350 to $4,400, for the annual room and board fees for students who live in Horton or Winter dormitories. Rent at the Red Devil duplex apartments and Masterson Hall will increase $25, from $4,350 to $4,375. The difference in rent is reflected in meal prices, ACCC President John Masterson said.
Students in Winter and Horton may eat up to 17 meals a week. Those in Masterson Hall and the duplexes may receive up to five meals a week.
Class fees, currently at $18 per credit hour, will remain unchanged, as will rent at the Zahn House at the ACCC Farm north of Iola, which currently costs $3,600 a year.
Tuition for international students also will go up $3 per credit hour, from $134 to $137.
IN A RELATED matter, Paul Cavanaugh, an architect with Places Architects, Wichita, provided trustees with bid specifications for construction of a new three-story housing unit the college is building along White Boulevard.
Bids for construction will go out in the next few days, Cavanaugh said, and should be ready for approval at the trustees’ March meeting.
Construction is slated to begin in April, and should be complete by July 31 for use in the 2012-13 academic year.
Cavanaugh predicted contractors would be eager to handle the construction, and thus ACCC should receive a number of competitive bids.
“There really isn’t a better time than now for construction.
Cavanaugh said that during the bidding process, contractors would be urged to use only American-made products.
TRUSTEES WILL continue to discuss several personnel issues that have arisen as enrollment has grown over the past decade.
Trustees agreed to add two new positions in 2012-13: an administrative assistant to Regena Aye, dean for online learning, and another maintenance employee at ACCC’s Iola campus. The vote to add staff passed 4-1 with Trustee Jim Talkington opposed and Trustee Harvey Rogers absent.
College president John Masterson said the college also needs another biology instructor for the Iola campus and another biology/chemistry instructor at the college’s outreach campus in Burlingame.
Trustees, meanwhile, will continue to discuss the potential of adding several other positions, including a criminal justice instructor/coordinator and a foreign language teacher.