College approves employee raises



May 10, 2017 - 12:00 AM

Auxiliary service employees of Allen Community College are the target of a new policy concerning pay raises. Currently raises are 2 percent. President John Masterson spoke to ACC Trustees Tuesday about implementing a new procedure that would give the greater of either a 2 percent or $1,000 increase to all employees.
The change was inspired after a maintenance worker pointed out that the current formula based on percentage of gross earnings benefited higher paid faculty more than it did lower paid staff positions, according to Trustee Neal Barclay. Chair Ken McGuffin pointed out the value of employees in auxiliary positions and said starting out at the bottom increases workplace morale.
“The biggest benefactors will be the people who need it the most,” he said of the new procedure. 
The change in policy will add more than $28,000 to the college’s budget, an amount Masterson said was within the college’s  means.
“It will hit everybody under the $50,000 range,” said Vice President of Finance and Operations, Brian Counsil.
In other news, trustees voted to accept the resignations of Sara Ellis, administrative assistant to the Directors of Development and Student Life  and Jamie Jensen, assistant athletic director and head softball coach.
The position of music instructor will be offered to Jeffrey Anderson of Cincinnati, Ohio.
