Another round of cuts are needed to keep Iola schools in the black.
Pointing to expected staff additions, inflation and increases in teacher pay and insurance costs, Superintendent of Schools Brian Pekarek told board members Monday unless cuts are made, $368,000 in savings will be needed to balance the district’s 2012-2013 budget.
“We have to make sure our expenditures equal our revenue,” Pekarek said.
USD 257’s top administrator said the district can look to cut back in four areas — personnel, supplies, faculty development and services.
Cutting an administrator, a $71,784 savings, or a new teacher, $39,159, were among 18 specific budget items Pekarek suggested the board review.
“These are just possible places to cut,” he said.
To alleviate the pain of any future cuts, Pekarek suggested the board look at increasing revenue simultaneously to making cuts over the next four years.
With only about $500,000 in reserves, board president Tony Leavitt voiced concerns about tapping into the rainy day funds.
“That four-year projected plan would run (the reserves) to zero,” he said.
But Pekarek said he expects state dollars for public education to increase, keeping USD 257 from running the well dry.
“We should have more revenue increasing from the state in future years. If (Governor Sam) Brownback gets his way we should have $350,000 more in fiscal year 2014,” he said, referring to the revised education finance formula making its way through the Legislature. “If he doesn’t get his way and the Democrats and the moderate Republicans do, we should have an increase in our base state aid,” which should result in even more funding.
The district will circulate a list of potential cuts and increases via email and the district’s social media with the hope of garnering public feedback.
“We’ll try to get input from teachers and the community,” Pekarek said, adding that people will be able to mark which cuts and increases they think should be a priority. “We’ll consider all that before we make any decisions.”
THE LONG-RANGE planning committee charged with researching new facilities for USD 257 will consist of members who served on the district’s planning committee from 2005 to 2008, the last time the district pursued new building construction.
After discussing the merits of keeping the committee members from 2008 or starting with all new committee members, the board agreed to meet in the middle.