Getting ready for the Allen County Fair is filled with nerves and hard work for brothers Bryer and Rowan Grisier.
Its also lots of fun.
The Grisiers, sons of Robbie and Brandi Grisier, are with the City Slickers 4-H Club.
Bryer, the older of the two at 9 (and a half), will show a pig, rabbits and maybe photography, to go with the two dogs he entered earlier this week.
Rowan, 8 (and a quarter) will have a pair of steers, to go along with goats and rabbits.
One of the steers, Dexter, has been with Rowan for more than a year. He entered the same animal as a bucket calf in 2018.
This is the first time Rowan will compete with a steer.
Im a little nervous, he said. Dexter likes to walk fast.
Bryer, meanwhile, already has had an eventful competition, when exhibited two dogs in the dog show.
Maverick, the dog he figured wouldnt get much appreciation from the judges, earned a purple ribbon in obedience. Hes a puppy, so we werent sure what was going to happen, Bryer said.
Shelby, the seemingly better-behaved animal, was called for a foul, and failed to cooperate during an extended sit period, Bryer explained, and came away with a white ribbon.
That really surprised me to get a purple ribbon for Maverick, he said.
Regardless of what happens in the show arena Bryer notes his pig tends to step on his feet the older Grisier brother knows theres plenty of fun to be had once the judging is over.
I really like seeing friends from different clubs, he said. I normally dont get to see many of them.
He also enjoys taking naps in the camper the Grisiers will set up at the park and looks forward to the giant swimming party that will conclude activities at the park on Monday.
Like his older brother, Rowan, too, enjoys the camaraderie with his fellow 4-Hers, feasting on snow cones and getting stuff at the food stands.