Bible school hits high gear



June 15, 2011 - 12:00 AM

“Pandamania” has swept through the halls of Iola’s Wesley United Methodist and First Presbyterian churches this week.
The two churches have pooled their efforts in the annual Vacation Bible School offering.
“The kids are having a great time,” said Lisa Cooper, youth minister at Wesley and VBS director. “It’s been going amazingly.”
The weeklong Bible school activities began Monday morning and will run through Friday, with songs, games and other activities.
Each day carries a specific theme. One day may focus on how God watches over the children, while another looks at how “God Loves You No Matter What.”
Within the first two days of VBS, 152 children, ages 4 through the fifth grade, signed up, Cooper said.
“We had one child who joined after seeing all of the other kids outside,” Cooper said. “And we’ve had kids sign up as late as Friday (the last day of Vacation Bible School) in some years. We won’t turn anybody away.”
The activities, while focusing on various Bible points, are nondenominational.
“We have children here from a number of different churches in the area,” Cooper said.
