HUMBOLDT — Beverly Headley came to the Humboldt Future Farmers of America workday auction Monday night with the expectation of finding help to paint her mother’s home.
Charity trumped pragmatism, though. The 24 students offered on the auction block fetched $2,127.50, an average of nearly $90 each — a little out of Headley’s range.
Still, the bids are a good return on the money. Besides getting hard labor, the money raised will be used for FFA development events.
Derrik McCall, a senior at Humboldt High School, drew the night’s highest bid at $255.
McCall is in the interview process for an appointment to the U.S. Air Force Academy. Participating in events such as the auction plays to his favor in getting into the academy, he said, as does his extensive participation in sports and other school and community activities.
Homegrown auctioneer Ross Daniels, a former Humboldt FFA member, asked each student if they had special talents or any comments. Few did. Taylyn Wells, a junior, responded with a bit of banter and was animated throughout while her four hours were being sold. It paid off with a final bid of $130.
Also earning high bids were Megan Herder, a sophomore, $105, and seniors Jock Wilson, $135, and Connor Stirewalt, $145.
Matt Kerr, FFA sponsor and Humboldt High agriculture instructor, said money raised would be used for career development events, to send students to a leadership conference in Washington, D.C., to put on a Day on the Farm for elementary students and have back to school and end of year parties.