American Legion to sell

Local News

January 4, 2019 - 4:30 PM

Commercial kitchen equipment, tables, pool tables and other miscellaneous items will be sold at auction today at the Iola American Legion Post 15 building, which is being sold.

The Iola American Legion building, 712 W. Patterson, is being sold.

Who is purchasing the building, owned by Leslie J. Campbell Iola American Legion Post 15, and its future use, remains a mystery to most.

Because the sale is not complete, public records of the buyer are not yet available.

Iola Realtor John Brocker, who is handling the sale, declined to identify the buyer until the transaction is complete.

Because of the pending sale, most of the building’s contents, including commercial kitchen equipment, as well as pool tables, tables, chairs, furniture and other miscellaneous will be sold at an auction today, starting at 10 a.m.

Loren Mitchell, post commander, cited dwindling membership and activities as reasons for the sale.

At its peak, Post 15 had 400 members; today, that number is down to about 100.

The Legion officers will continue to meet monthly, the second Tuesday of each month. For now, members will gather at the Iola Public Library.

Mitchell said the members will decide at some point whether to seek a new home or build a facility.

“We’d really like to find things that are more family friendly,” Mitchell told the Register.

The building has served as the Legion’s home since 1991.

As an aside, the Legion building and parking lot to the west are being sold, Brocker clarified. An adjoining parcel of land, which contains a storage building and the parking lot east of the building, is owned by the La Societe Des 40 Et 8, is not a part of the transaction.

Allen County Auction Service is handling today’s auction.

May 28, 2019
January 10, 2019
February 11, 2014
February 16, 2013