A look backs in time


Local News

June 13, 2018 - 11:00 PM

20 Years Ago

June 1998

8 — Iola FFA chapter members receiving the state farmer’s degree at the 10th annual Kansas FFA convention are Clint Church, Ryan Garrett, John Kramer, April Morrison, Rick Nelson and Jason Strickler. Also, Church received the Kansas Star Agribusinessman Award and Nelson received a Proficiency Award in the area of diversified crop production entrepreneurship.

12 — Iola’s Russell Stover Candies plant soon will hire a weekend supplemental crew of workers on a seasonable basis to keep up with sales demands. It will be the first in the Russell Stover company to do so.


The Rev. James Rausch will preach his first sermon on Sunday as the new pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Iola.

13 — Gates Rubber will spend about $2.5 million this summer to add a fourth line of spiral hose manufacturing equipment here.

18 — Allen County Commissioners voted Wednesday to spend $69,062 to build a new hangar at the Allen County Airport. The hangar will be 34 by 182 feet and will accommodate six airplanes.


Dorothy Howard has been operating her Tiny Tot preschool in her home on North Kentucky for the past 27 years.
