Extension Agent for 4-H
This project focuses on activities related to raising a garden, flowers, forestry and field crops, all of which include planning, planting, experimenting, understanding soils, seeds, insects, plant care, harvesting, weed identification and control, processing, exploring careers and the relationship between trees, people and communities.
4-H members may choose from three options: field crops, forestry and horticulture. There is 4-H curriculum that can be purchased for anyone interested in the plant sciences project. Here is a breakdown of what youth can learn at different ages/stages in each option:
Field Crops:
Experiment with soil testing
Grow and harvest crops
Plant a wheat variety test plot
Learn about herbicides and fertilizers
Ages 7-9
Learn to identify trees
Determine differences between trees and shrubs
Learn about different trees and tree parts
Ages 10-13
Graft a bud to a living tree
Learn the sounds and smells of the forest
Discover health benefits trees have on people