[Wedding]Hunt — Patterson



January 21, 2011 - 12:00 AM

A Special Memory Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas, Nev., was the 2 p.m. Jan. 5 setting for the wedding of Shannon Nicole Hunt and Andrew Scott Patterson, both of Iola. The Rev. Debra Orroco of Las Vegas performed the ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of Lora Hunt, Humboldt. The groom is the son of Ben and Patty Patterson, Gas.
Mrs. Patterson is a graduate of Humboldt High School and Allen County Community College. She is employed in the Allen County clerk’s office. Mr. Patterson is a graduate of Iola High School and ACCC. He is employed by SeKan Asphalt.
Following a week-long honeymoon in Las Vegas, the couple are at home in Iola.
