Twelve Iola United Methodist Women attended their April 25 meeting at Calvary United Methodist Church.
Secretary Regina Woodworth presented a Mission Do award, given by the Five Rivers District, and a Seven Star unit award received from the Great Plains Conference for 2018.
Donna Grigsby, coordinator for education and interpretation, said the Ives Chapel unit from Baldwin City helped sponsor a school in New Mexico with a snack shower for children. She also reported one of UMWs causes, a worldwide effort to reduce infant deaths.
Alice Hood shared experiences she and her husband, the late Rev. Don Hood, had during their many years in the ministry.
Pastor Jocelyn Tupper noted the April 28 worship service was led by the confirmation class, Kyser Nemecek, Chris Holloway, Sydnea Bumstead, Carly Dreher and Brigham Folk.
Shirley Robertson, Mary LaCrone and Beverly Franklin provided refreshments.
The May 23 meeting will begin at Greystone Residential Care Center at 5:45 p.m., after which members will head to Calvary, with Jan Knewtson and Linda Johnson as hostesses.