UMW members made face masks and discussed the COVID-19 pandemic at their recent meeting at Calvary United Methodist Church.
Donna Grigsby discussed a Virtual Tea Party led by the Metro District UMW in North Texas.
Officers for 2021 were elected. They are: Linda Johnson, president; Joann Maxwell, vice president; Regina Woodworth, treasurer; Donna Beebe, Journey in Faith; Donna Grigsby, Journey in Giving and Learning; Mary Joseph, Journey in Growth; Marty Meadows, Journey in Action; Pastor Jocelyn Tupper, program resources; and Shirley Roberts, Mary Joseph and Mary LaCrone, nominating committee.
The group will collect shoes (all sizes), underwear (small sizes), hats and gloves as needed.
Donna Beebe, Donna Grigsby and Regina Woodworth are in charge of UMW Sunday on Oct. 18.
Regina will present the next meeting’s program at 5:30 p.m., Oct. 22, which is a different time than originally scheduled.