The Iola United Methodist Women met Nov. 14 at Calvary United Methodist Church.
Brody Nemecek told the women about an overseas trip to the United Kingdom and Ireland that he and other Southwind 4-H livestock team members took part in over the summer.
Nemecek impressed the club members with his leadership and speaking abilities.
Regina Woodworth and Linda Johnson served brunch.
Members gave to World Service Blankets, as well as to purchase hats and gloves for school children, and for 30 College We-care Boxes to be sent to those associated with the Iola UMC.
Lori Cooper discussed a number of events, including the 13 Reasons Why event Nov. 16-17, the church-sponsored Thanksgiving dinner held last week, and the church advent workshop held after Sundays church service at Wesley United Methodist Church.
The unit will host the April 25, 2020, Five Rivers Spring District UMW meeting.
After the meeting adjourned, the members assembled the college boxes to be delivered next week.
The next meeting is at 10 a.m. Dec. 12 at Calvary. Secret Sisters will be revealed, the Thank Offering collected and hats and gloves for school children will be gathered.