Step into the adventure of a book as a 4-H project



September 10, 2019 - 10:13 AM

The reading project is great for young person who enjoys a good book and sharing what you learned with others either in a study group or with an educational display at the county fair.

There are different phases of reading that members are encouraged to explore. The phases are for:

• Enjoyment: Share the book you enjoy best with someone — parents, family, leader or 4-H member, do one or more of the suggested activities and as much of “Know Your Library” as possible. Optional activities include preparing an exhibit, either as an individual or as a club, preparing a poster, notebook or display, giving a talk or demonstration

• Project Enrichment: Read project material, read for information about projects from other sources, read at least one book for pleasure that is related to a project, do one or more of the suggested activities and as much of “Know Your Library” as possible. Optional activities include preparing an exhibit, either as an individual or as a club, preparing a poster, notebook or display, giving a talk or demonstration.

• Discussion: Identify a discussion group (face-to-face, email, or website), keep record of books read and discussions attended, keep journal of reactions and reflections, serve as junior leader for younger members. Optional activities include sharing books with groups outside of 4-H or doing community service activities.

The reading project is a great opportunity for youth to learn important life skills. For more information about this project or the workshop, contact Jennifer K. Terrell, 4-H Youth Development for K-State Research and Extension – Southwind District at [email protected] or 620-244-3826.
