Southwind events on calendar



October 1, 2019 - 9:33 AM

Two meetings geared for area livestock producers and forage managers are on the October calendar, courtesy of the Southwind Extension District.

The first is an 8 a.m. farm bill meeting at Tony’s Function Junction, 10300 U.S. 59 in Erie (next to R and F Farm Supply). 

The informational session features the Neosho County Farm Service Agency. 

Topics include  pasture rental rates and overview of farm commodity programs (ARC and PLC), and information about other Farm Service Agency programs. 

Coffee and doughnuts will be served. 

Later the same day is a free Urban Wildlife Damage Control meeting, at 6 p.m. at the Chanute Auditorium Alliance Room, on the third floor of 101 S. Lincoln St. in Chanute.

Christopher Petty, Southwind Extension agent for livestock production and forage management, and Krista Harding, horticulture agent, will host the event.

The program will feature wildlife specialist Charlie Lee, who will discuss wildlife damage and control of those animals that can be a nuisance for urban homeowners and their landscapes.

Examples include possums, racoons, armadillos and deer.

Call the K-State Research and Extension – Southwind District Erie office at 620-244-3826 to pre-register for either event. 

For more information about either of these meetings, please feel free to contact me by e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone at [email protected]
