Sorority ‘thinks pink’


September 20, 2018 - 9:38 AM

Patty Latta and Jolene Boeken hosted 16 members and one guest, Kathy McMillen, at Monday’s social of the Kappa Alpha Chapter, Phi Tau Omega Sorority.
Members wore pink to the social in according with the evening’s theme, “Kappa Alpha Pink Angel Fashion Scavenger Hunt,” and fashion show.
Members gathered new clothing, shoes, and socks for the Iola High School Girls Clothes Closet program. This program allows any girl in need of clothing or shoes to visit the closet and take whatever they need.
The next business meeting is Oct. 1. Lucinda Stanley and Rhodenia Rowe will serve as hostesses.

June 5, 2019
May 28, 2019
May 8, 2019
November 7, 2018