Seekers Not Slackers 4-H Club celebrates



December 18, 2019 - 10:33 AM

Seekers-Not-Slackers 4-H club Achievement Award winners are, front row from left, Blaine King, Lilly Ball and Brayden Gillespie; second row, McKenna Powell, Tyler Gillespie, Rebecca Sprague, Haliey Gillespie and Kendra Sprague.

Seekers Not Slackers 4-H club was called to order on Oct. 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Kincaid community school building. It was their Halloween party. Members dressed up in their Halloween costumes. Roll call was your favorite scary movie. Program/recreation was a spooky nighttime scavenger hunt and a hayrack ride, followed by a taco bar meal enjoyed by members and their families.

November was the county-wide Achievement Night, at the Garnett Community Building. Soup and desserts were served as members, leaders and volunteers were recognized for the past year’s achievements and received their 4-H pins. Door prizes were awarded at the end of the evening. The club’s regular monthly meeting was held on Nov. 18 at the Lone Elm Community Room. Flag Salute leaders were Donovan Zimbelman and Gunner Ellington. Roll call was “What Are You Thankful For?” Most members answered with family or food. There were 21 members present. Committee members discussed the Christmas dinner as well as fruit baskets, adopt-a-family and toy drive. Members will be out in the community selling Blue and Gold meat products until March 2020. If you are interested in purchasing, please contact a club member. A delicious cookie dough dip demonstration talk was given by Lizzy Ellington, that members enjoyed as a snack. Josie Walter gave an informative talk on her honey beehive. She passed around the screens from inside the hive and talked about honeycomb, and how the hive protects its queen. Songleaders were Nora Thompson and Josie Walter who led the group in singing “Home on the Range.”

Officer training was held on Dec. 8 at Central Heights school.

Hailey, Tyler and Braden Gillespie and Blaine King attended an evening of workshops and activities.

The club’s annual Christmas dinner was Sunday, Dec. 8, at the Lone Elm Community Room. Families assembled fruit and cookie boxes in which they delivered to 4-H community supporters. After the meal, everyone played a game of Bingo gift exchange as well as voted for their favorite food and ugly sweater contest. Winners for the night were: Main dish: Walter family, side dish: Powell family, dessert: Ellingtons.

Ugly sweater contest winners were Rob Ball and Owen Thompson.

The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Jan. 20.

Wishing you all a merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year!
