The meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H Club was called to order by President Mallory Heim on Sunday, March 6, at Moran United Methodist Church.
The Cloverbuds led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge. Roll call was “What is your favorite day of the week?” and was answered by 24 members, two Cloverbuds, and two leaders. The secretary’s minutes were approved as read and the officer reports were all approved as given including the Treasurer’s report, Reporter’s Report and the County Council Report.
Parliamentarian Kendall Scharff shared the proper way to introduce new business with the club.
The fundraiser committee handed out packets for selling butter braids and cookie dough.
Community leaders Angelea Heim and Kelci Botts reminded the club of upcoming events, recognized Doug Dix for earning a blue ribbon at Regional 4-H Days, and shared details about the Walk Kansas event.
There was no old business to come before the club. In new business, the club voted to give a $50 scholarship to those who attended KYLF.
The program included talks, “How to feed a bottle baby goat,” by Jaren Curl, and “The Game of Chess and its History” by Kaden McVey.
Recreation leaders, Kaden McVey and Natalea Elmenhorst, led the club in a game of Leprechaun Coin Toss.
Project Leader Kelci Botts reminded those in the reading project about the meeting on March 10 at the Moran Public Library. Food and Nutrition Leaders, Kim Schomaker and Brenda Armstrong reported that the foods and nutrition members had met prior to the club meeting and made snacks for everyone to share during the movie that would be shown after the meeting for Movie Night. The meeting concluded by reciting the 4-H motto. The Curl and McVey families were the hosts this month.
The leadership members chose the movie “Encanto” to show for movie night.
The next meeting will be at 4 p.m. on April 3 at Moran United Methodist Church. It will be the supply drive for ACARF.