The monthly meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H Club was called to order on Sunday, Dec. 10, by acting President Kooper Welch. Roll call was: What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
Kason Botts read the minutes. All officer reports were approved. 4-H Leader Kelci Botts mentioned that 4-H District Days is on Feb. 3 and that members need to sign up for what they plan on doing during the event.
Members were given the opportunity to sign up for club T-shirts. Song leaders Kylee and Easton Rescoe led the club in singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” Recreation leaders, Doug Dix and Lucas Owens led the club in a game of Santa Tag.
Jr. Vice President Doug Dix led the club in the program. Kelci Botts, recognized members with club achievements from the achievement banquet.
— Lucas Owens