Prairie Rose 4-H: Gourds and more


October 30, 2018 - 10:17 AM

October 14 was a busy afternoon for the Prairie Rose 4-H Club. Eighteen members and one guest worked on get well cards for an ill volunteer of the club; collected canned goods for Thrive Allen County; collected items for Allen County Animal Rescue Facility; and decorated Halloween gourds and pumpkins!  Whew!

Following the 48 hours of volunteer activities, members held their monthly meeting. Ty Scharff led the group as president.  Mallory Heim correctly guessed the weight of the sugar pumpkin during roll call. Brenda Armstrong, community leader, presented the club with a check for winning second place in the Kincaid Fair Banner Contest. 

Decisions were made to participate with Iola City Slickers on an exchange meeting this year; ring the bell for the Salvation Army in cooperation with the Iola Kiwanis; participate in the Veterans Day parade on Nov. 10; and have a service project prior to each meeting this year.

Following the business meeting, Mallory Heim showed her cat Daisy Mae and discussed proper care of a kitten. Gracie Yoho, demonstrated how to make a beautiful string art picture. Sophia Heim talked about her robotic and rocket projects. Zoi Yoho and her beautiful rabbit, Daisy Mae, showed off perfect showmanship skills.

Brenda Armstrong led the installation ceremony for new officers.  Brenda was presented a gift for her dedicated years of club leadership. Community Leaders Kelsey Botts and Kim Shomaker reminded members of officer training on Oct. 28, 4-H Achievement Night on Nov. 7 in Iola, and the process of re-enrollment prior to Dec. 1.

The next meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H Club will be Nov. 11 at 5 p.m. at the Moran Community Center. Children age 7 to 18 and their families are encouraged to visit and/or join the club.  If there are questions regarding the Prairie Rose 4-H Club, please call Southwind 4-H District 620-365-2242.

— Cooper Scharff, reporter


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