Prairie Rose 4-H elects officers



November 16, 2023 - 3:42 PM

Prairie Rose 4-H officers who attended Officer Training on October 29 in Moran are, front row left to right, Lucas Owens, Kylar Botts, Henry Gabbert, Harper Gabbert, and Doug Dix; back row, Natalea Elmenhorst-Heins, Kaden McVey, Kooper Welch, Sophia Heim and Kason Botts. Not pictured: Kylee Resco and Easton Resco. Photo by Courtesy Photo

During the October monthly meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H club, officers and junior officers were elected.
The officers are as follows:

  • President: Sophia Heim
  • Vice President: Kooper Welch
  • Secretary: Kason Botts
  • Treasurer: Kaden McVey
  • Reporter: Lucas Owens
  • Parliamentarian: Doug Dix
  • Historian: Natalea Elmenhorst-Heins
  • Song Leaders: Kylee and Easton Resco
  • Recreation Leaders: Lucas Owens and Doug Dix
  • 4-H Council Members: Sophia Heim and Kason Botts
  • Alternate: Doug Dix

-Lucas Owens, reporter
