How many sneezes do you typically sneeze? The answers ranged from one to 20 times at the Tuesday meeting of the Prairie Dell 4-H Club.
It was a night of decision making. The officers for the 2019-2020 4-H year are President Luke Wicoff, Vice President Annika Hobbs, Secretary Annika Hobbs, Reporter Peyton Weast, Treasurer Kahlan Roloff, Parliamentarian and Historian Annika Hobbs and council members Luke Wicoff and Peyton Weast. They will be installed at the Oct. 7 meeting.
Prairie Dell members decided to attend First Christian Church on Oct. 6 for 4-H Sunday, the start of 4-H Week. They also will make posters to put up at Iola Middle School to encourage others to join 4-H. This years window display will include the Prairie Dell banner and the billboard that was used at the Allen County Fair. To promote 4-H week, members decided to wear their 4-H shirts to school Oct. 8. The final item for new business was to participate in the Veterans Day Parade.
Annika Hobbs announced that the next 4-H Council meeting will be at 2 p.m. Oct. 27 following officers training at Marmaton Valley High School.
At the Oct. 7 meeting, members are to bring a guest. The meeting is at 7 p.m. at the Hobbses home for a fall party, which will include pumpkin carving.