Sheriff’s report

Police Reports

February 7, 2025 - 4:37 PM

Yates Center man arrested

Allen County sheriff’s deputies arrested Zeno J. Jimenez, 21, Yates Center, Thursday, on an Allen County warrant alleging aggravated sexual battery.

Arrests reported

Sheriff’s deputies arrested Austin Bradley, 23, of rural Iola Wednesday for suspicion of violating a protection order in the 300 block of Eisenhower Drive in Iola.

Also Wednesday, deputies arrested Jessica J. Epting, 41, Moran for a warrant alleging Epting failed to appear in court to face a driving while suspended charge.

Kimberly J. Adams, 50, Bronson, was arrested by deputies Sunday for a warrant alleging failure to appear in court to face a felony theft charge.

Deputies arrested Michael W. Jensen, 59, Gas, on Feb. 1 for a warrant alleging aggravated domestic battery.

Deputies arrested Brandon A. Aiello, 31, LaHarpe, Feb. 1 for a warrant alleging he failed to appear in court to answer a worthless check charge.

Deputies arrested Dixie L. Collins, 57, Iola, for suspicion of trespassing after deputies were called to a residence southeast of LaHarpe.

Lock damaged

Deputies were told Monday that a padlock owned by Evergy was damaged at a property in rural Humboldt.

Hay bale stolen

A Mildred property owner told deputies Monday that a large hay bale had been stolen. The property owner said a 14-foot, V-bottom boat and two pipe gates had been stolen in the past.

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