Police report

Police Reports

October 27, 2023 - 3:31 PM

Hit-and-runs reported 

Janelle C. Vance was southbound on State Street Thursday when she struck a car while it was turning northbound from U.S. 54. 

The other motorist left the scene, officers said. 

Vance was not injured. 

Meanwhile, an unknown motorist struck Yancy Watson’s vehicle sometime the evening of Oct. 21 while it was parked in the 300 block of East Street. The motorist left without reporting the incident. 

Stopped pickup hit 

Debra K. Daniels was stopped Monday afternoon at the State Street stoplight at the intersection of U.S. 54 when her pickup was struck from behind by a pickup driven by Zander R. Dickerson. 

Dickerson told officers his truck’s brakes failed as he tried to stop. 

Neither driver was injured. 

Counterfeit cash 

Iola police were called to Pump N Pete’s Thursday after employees found a counterfeit bill. A suspect was identified, and charges have been requested through the Allen County attorney’s office. 
