Police News

Reports from the Iola Police Department.

Police Reports

June 12, 2023 - 4:21 PM

Arrests reported

Iola police officers arrested Paige Bostater of Iola Sunday for suspicion of battery in the 1600 block of Northwestern Circle.

On June 6, officers arrested Jacquelyn Mason, 32, Iola, for suspicion of battery against a law enforcement officer near the intersection of Third and Monroe streets.

Theft reported

Iola police officers were called to the Iola Senior Citizens thrift store June 5 for a reported possible theft.

Officers arrived and found that the suspect had left the area, and the victims did not wish to file charges. If the suspect returns, they said they would pursue trespassing charges.

Vehicles collide

Richard L. Burton was backing from a parking space in the 10 block of East Broadway Street June 4 when he struck an eastbound minivan driven by Matthew A. Lea, Iola police officers reported.

Neither driver was hurt.

Pickup hit

Everett R. Glaze was stopped while waiting to turn left into a driveway in the 1200 block of East Street (U.S. 54) May 31, when his pickup was struck from behind by a car driven by Briahna N. Stiffler.

Neither was injured.

Utility pole damaged

Joseph E. Malone was doing maintenance work along the Prairie Spirit Trail near the 1700 block of North Walnut Street June 1, and was backing his vehicle, which struck a guy wire, causing a utility pole to break, police officers reported.

There were no injuries.

July 22, 2020
July 7, 2020
February 25, 2020
September 27, 2018