Court report, March 26

Dispositions from the Iola Municipal Court.

Police Reports

March 25, 2022 - 4:37 PM


Judge Patti Boyd

Fined $30 for no seat belt:

Paula L.R. Auden, Iola

Tyler R. Belshe, Garnett

Michael P.  Dyche, Iola

Jason W. Garber, Iola

Dustin T.J. Miller, Fort Scott

Katelynn M. Morgan, Moran

Benjamin L. Myers, Iola

Tyler J. Pollet, Iola

Courtney R.K. Richey, LaHarpe

Kyle E. Warren, Uniontown

Christopher A. Weston, Moran

Otherwise convicted:

Elizebeth S.A. Adair, Iola, disorderly conduct, $195, probation ordered

Joce N.L. Akidaug, Iola, failure to yield, $195

Daryl W. Beaman, Olathe, improper registration, $322

Todd E. Bland, Iola, domestic battery, $315, probation ordered

Jessie L.R. Boyd, Iola, improper registration, $195

Xaiviyan Jacob-Charles Channel, Iola, failure to yield, $195

Clinton J. Folk, Iola, driver’s license violation, driving wrong way on one-way street, $765

Ricky E. Keeler, Iola, harassment by telecommunications device, $315, probation ordered.

Malinda A. Lewis, Iola, disorderly conduct, $195, probation ordered

Maxine R. McGirr, Garnett, driving while suspended, no seat belt, $345

Daniel L. Palmer, Mission, driving while intoxicated, $1,475

Dallas R. Uitts, Iola, criminal damage to property, $315, probation ordered
