Judge Daniel Creitz
Civil cases filed:
Tonya Frederick vs. Dale Frederick, divorce
Angel M. Summers vs. Melissa A. Summers, divorce
Erin N. Frierson vs. Steven J. Frierson, divorce
Judge Tod Davis
Convicted of speeding:
Douglas A. Geyer, Olathe, 75/65, $178
Samantha D. Gill, Iola, 75/65, $153
Devan E. Case, Parkville, Mo., 75/65, $153
Carter S. Burton, Yates Center, 75/65, $153
Kimbra D. Hess, Hume, Mo., 60/45, $183
Convicted as follows:
Samuel A. Hernandez Sandoval, Fayetteville, Ark., 65/55, no driver’s license, $273
James A. Lamb, Tulsa, Okla., following too closely, $183
Criminal cases filed:
Malachi I. Davis, Yates Center, possession of stolen property, interference with law enforcement, DUI, possession of a depressant — alprazolam
Dana J.B. Guilford, Humboldt, aggravated domestic battery — strangulation, interference with law enforcement
Contract cases filed:
Jefferson Capital Systems LLC vs. Dana Klauman
Jefferson Capital Systems LLC vs. Andrew Classen
LVNV Funding LLC vs. Patricia Isabell
Judge Patti Boyd
Convicted as follows with fines assessed:
Timothy G. Anderson, Iola, driving while suspended, no insurance, no registration, $785
Bryce M. Andres, Iola, inattentive driving, $195
Patrick L. Bettes, Iola, dog running at large, $135
Olivia L. Carney, Iola, 36/25, $161
Eric A. Cheney, Iola, driving while suspended, $315
Carol S. Clay, Humboldt, defective tail lamp, $241
Kamry L. Coffelt, Garnett, 41/35, $155
Robert A. Collins Jr., Petrolia, threatening text, threatening phone call, intimidation of a witness, $1,110, probation ordered
Dwight A. Davis, Iola, 35/30, $155
Gene R. Franks, Iola, battery of a law enforcement officer, $315, probation ordered