Court report

A summary of cases filed in the 31st Judicial District in Allen County. 


Police Reports

January 31, 2020 - 5:51 PM


Judge Daniel Creitz

Civil cases filed:

Donald J. Boudreaux vs. Madeline Pace, paternity

Sigg Financial Services LLC vs. Michael A. and Kayla M. McGuire, debt collection


Judge Tod Davis

Convicted of no seat belt and fined $30:

Heather R. Santiago, Iola

Robert L. Cook, Moran

Bradyn J. Cole, Colony

Warren K. Gunlock Jr., Burlington

Trentan H. Uttinger, Nevada, Mo.

Anthony W. Ogle, Fort Scott

Brandon D. Redman, Mindenmines, Mo.

Darryl E. Anderson, Kincaid

Steven D. Appling, Gas

Convicted of speeding:

Ivory J. Jackson, St. Paul, Minn., 82/65, $195

Gaven L. Walker, Raytown, Mo., 75/65, $153

Cora L. Squires, Broken Arrow, Okla., 75/65, $153

Cynthia C. Myers, Cummings, 75/65, $153

Guiseppe D. Mangrella, Iola, 101/65, $393

Kebrina L. Frates, Olathe, 75/65, $153

Blair J. Lasley, Kansas City, Mo., 65/55, $153

Carla S. Robinson, Toronto, 75/65, $153

Jamie S. Myers, Broken Arrow, Okla., 78/65, $171

Dimity E.M. Lowell, Iola, 75/65, $153

Richard V. Sudduth, Gravois Mills, Mo., 65/55, $153

Robert A. Beard, Fort Scott, 75/65, $153

Shelton J. Chavis Jr., Missouri City, Texas, 85/65, $213

Justin A. Hernandez, Parsons, 85/65, $213

Howard A. Oswald, Bartlesville, Okla., 80/65, $183

Mars Westgate, Iola, permitting unauthorized person to drive, $208

Eric W. Figurski, Chicago, Ill., 86/65, $222

Convicted as follows:

Daniel Cisneros Martinez, Olathe, 75/65, no driver’s license, $273

Lucas R. Chandler, Raytown, Mo., 80/65, no registration, $303

Gregory D. Jackman, Colony, driving on left in no passing zone, $183
