Court News

Iola Municipal Court with Judge Patti Boyd.

Police Reports

June 23, 2023 - 3:21 PM

Convicted as follows:

Dalton Ryan-Cooper Coffield, Iola, inattentive driving, $195

Kolby A. Daum, Iola, driving without a valid license, failure to yield, $435

Trevor L. Gray, Iola, driving without a valid license, $195

Jasmine L. Morgan, Iola, possessing drug paraphernalia, possessing marijuana, $555

Michael W. Splechter, Iola, criminal damage to property, $415

James W.J. Waggoner, Chanute, driving while suspended (third or subsequent conviction), $1,925

Convicted of no seat belt and fined $30 apiece:

Richard E. Dixon, Iola

Anita F. Dodge, Iola

Preston C. Frazell, Iola

Tamala L. Hyden, Iola

Maria C. Melendez, Humboldt

Jocelyn B. Miller, Iola

Wilma C. Morrison, Iola

Patrick A. Schierholz, Iola

Jerry R. Skaggs, Wellsville

Matthew K.W. Wells, Iola

Therese L. Yetzbacher, Iola

March 29, 2019
March 1, 2019
August 4, 2018
March 30, 2018