Court News

Iola Municipal Court with Judge Patti Boyd

Police Reports

December 2, 2022 - 5:51 PM

Convicted as follows:

Osvaldo D. Avila-Flores, Iola, driving without a valid license, $195

Austin E. Bradley, Iola, trespassing, $315, probation ordered

Kadence E. Gragg, Iola, inattentive driving, $195

Cristofer J. Holland, Iola, theft, $320, probation ordered

Derek R. Huffman, Iola, failure to yield, $195

Emily L. Long, expired tag, $195

Naomi D. Lubinski, Madison, speeding (38/20), $331

Iola J. Perkins, Iola, improper backing, $175

Michelle E. Pina, Iola, speeding (51/35), $191

Rachelle L. Robertson, Iola, disobeying traffic signal, $191

Coleson T.E. Wiggin, Iola, expired tag, $195

Andrew W. Womelsdorf, LaHarpe, no seat belt, $30
