Court News

Iola Municipal Court with Judge Patti Boyd

Police Reports

November 11, 2022 - 4:06 PM

Convicted as follows:

Cindy M. Anthony, Iola, theft, $361.30, probation ordered

Jason L. Harris, Cherryvale, speeding 31/20, $161

John E. Huskey, Humboldt, improper driving on a sidewalk, improper turning, $295

Christian M. Lindsey, Iola, disorderly conduct, $315, probation ordered

James E. McGirr Jr., Kincaid, failure to produce driver’s license, $459

Tayler N. N. Riches-Salzwedel, Iola, speeding-49/35, $179

Ethan A. Weide, Iola, speeding 50/35, $185

Diversion agreements:

Joeottis C. Arell Jr., Humboldt, driving while intoxicated, $1,125

April 23, 2021
April 2, 2021
June 12, 2020
January 10, 2020