Police report – December 19, 2020


December 18, 2020 - 10:38 AM

IPD to step up enforcement

The Iola Police Department will step up patrols in search of impaired drivers beginning Dec. 26 and running through Jan. 3.

The effort is part of the “Taking Down DUI” campaign sponsored by the Kansas Department of Transportation.

Car strikes pickup

Naomi Clounch, 87, was backing from a parking stall in the 200 block of South Washington, when she continued going in reverse into the alley behind the 200 block of South Walnut Street.

There, her car struck a parked pickup owned by Meredith D. Vance.

Tote stolen

Shawn Lambert of Loudon, Tenn., told Ioal police officers Tuesday a tote belonging to him was stolen while he was at Americas Best Value Inn, 1315 N. State St.
