Police report – August 24, 2021

Arrests and accidents


August 24, 2021 - 8:16 AM


On Aug. 18, Iola Police arrested Jason Glukowsky and Katrina Beatty of Iola on suspicion of possession of drug paraphernalia in the 700 block of South Washington Avenue.

On Aug. 18, a 2003 Lincoln was reported damaged in the 300 block of North Street.

On Aug. 19, furniture was reported stolen in the 500 block of North Vermont Street.


On Aug. 21, Iola Police arrested Jacob Heubach, of Iola, on suspicion of domestic violence in the 800 block of Wilson Lane.


On Aug. 20, a vehicle driven by Douglas Campbell pulled up to a keypad to open a gate, and struck a metal billboard next to the keypad at the Iola Water Plant.

On Aug. 16, a vehicle driven by Dannielle E. Nagle was southbound on State Street, started to pull into the other lane and sideswiped a vehicle driven by Debbra L. Muhl.

On Aug. 14, a vehicle driven by Quentine M. Stoll braked to miss a turtle. A vehicle driven by Jacqueline M. Crump was behind Stoll, braked and swerved to miss Stoll’s vehicle on North State Street near West Miller Street.

On Aug. 13, a vehicle driven by John G. Sheehan was turning into an alley, pulling a trailer, and struck a gas meter near the 500 block of West Lincoln Street. The meter broke at the base.

On July 17, a vehicle driven by Denise  D. Freilinger backed from a driveway in the 1200 block of North Buckeye and struck a parked vehicle. 

August 20, 2021
March 20, 2020
September 10, 2019
August 21, 2018