Police report


October 22, 2019 - 9:51 AM

Arrests reported

Iola police officers arrested Ronald D. Smith, Iola, Sunday for suspicion of violating a protection order in the 1300 block of North State Street.

On Oct. 11, Matthew Potchen, 25, Chanute, was arrested by Iola officers in the 600 block of South Fourth Street for seven warrants out of Neosho County District Court.


Citation issued

Steven Sinclair, 37, Iola, was cited for suspicion of criminal damage to property and disorderly conduct, officers said, following an incident Oct. 12 in the 600 block of North Ohio Street.


Decoration stolen

Craig Payne told officers Saturday morning somebody removed a Halloween skeleton from his property in the 500 block of South Washington Avenue.


Railing struck

Loren Mitchell, 82, was backing a motorhome from a driveway in the 200 block of North Walnut Street Oct. 10 when he struck a railing protecting a water meter, Iola police officers reported.

On Oct. 11, Cindy Van Houden was driving in a parking lot at 706 N. State St. and told officers her vision was limited by the sun, which resulted in her striking a sign post.


Vehicles collide

Jason R. Newman, 38, was southbound on Walnut Street Oct. 15, and Thomas D. Ammons, 20, was eastbound on Spruce Street when their vehicles collided, officers said.

Neither was injured, nor was a passenger riding with Ammons.


Counterfeit bill found

Community National Bank and Trust officials reported Wednesday receiving a counterfeit $20 bill in a deposit from the day before. The bill was turned over to officers for further investigation.


March 20, 2020
July 2, 2019
June 13, 2019
October 4, 2018