The pets project is designed to help you learn about household pets. Whether youre a fish-, hamster- or cat- lover, this project is intended for members to learn more about their household friends. You will focus on hand or aquarium pets or cats as you learn about the different species and how to keep them healthy. You will have the chance to be creative and design a toy for your pet, create a commercial or even a scavenger hunt.
There is 4-H curriculum that can be purchased for anyone interested in the pets project. Here is a breakdown of what youth can learn at different ages/stages:
Ages 7-9:
Identify hazards for pets around your home.
Invent a toy for your pet.
Learn about your pets nutritional needs.
Ages 10-13:
Learn about your pets digestive tract.
Examine your pet to make sure it is healthy.
Create a commercial about pet ownership or care.
Ages 14 and Older:
Learn the symptoms and treatment of diseases.
Learn about taxonomic classification.