Carlyle Presbyterian Church
Pastor Steve Traws message Sunday, Another Psalm for the Season, was taken from Psalm 24.
Myrna Wildschuetz played Do You Know What I Know? for the prelude. Glen and Patty Herschberger presided over the Second Sunday Advent Candle Lighting service.
The Carlyle Church congregation welcomed six new members: Don and Ella Britt and Brad, Barb, Sunshine and Kyle Crites.
Special music was provided by Pastor Steves grandchildren. Wyatt Stephenson played Go, Tell It on the Mountain, Eliot played Joy to the World and Abigail played Holy, Holy.
The church fellowship dinner and gift exchange will be at noon this Sunday.
Pastor Traw leads Bible study at 3 p.m. Tuesday on Acts, chapters 13-14.
Country Club
Myrna Wildschuetz hosted the Carlyle Ladies Country Club luncheon meeting recently at her home, with 10 members attending.
Phyllis Shetlar Bradshaw crocheted a dishrag for each club member and several dishrags for the Carlyle Fellowship Hall. Naomi Chambers won the door prize.
June ODell will host the January luncheon meeting in her home.
Around town
Jim Hinsons daughter, Diana Deeds from Emporia, spent last weekend visiting with Jim and Joanne.
If you have any news concerning Carlyle, please contact Joanne McIntyre 365 0365. Thank you.