More ways to give


March 21, 2019 - 10:34 AM

Donors can give to Wings of Warriors, and smile. The organization, which provides assistance to residents battling cancer, announced that it has been incorporated into the Amazon Smile program.

Through Smile, a percentage of proceeds on purchases through can be allocated to a non-profit group, such as Wings of Warriors.

Customers simply need to log onto, then select “Wings of Warriors Cancer Foundation of Allen County” as their charity of choice.

In other news shared at the club’s March 14 meeting, 28 gift cards have been distributed since Jan. 1. The club’s 2019 T-shirts will soon be ready.

Winners of a raffle held March 7 at Sam and Louie’s were Diane Keele, Leah Oswald, Jeff Cook, Shawn Guilfoyle, Karen Gleue and Dorothy Hess.

Plans are underway to celebrate Wings of Warriors’ five-year anniversary in the fall.

Carla Capper presided over the meeting at the Gas Community Building. Ten members attended.

The next meeting is May 9.


