Marmaton Valley KAY Club recognized for community service

The Marmaton Valley KAY Club earned the Gold Award for community service for efforts last year.



November 16, 2022 - 1:52 PM

Attending a regional conference in Yates Center Nov. 3 from the Marmaton Valley High School KAY Club are, front row from left, LesLeigh Cary, Brooklyn Adams and Mary Brown; second row, Janae Granere, Roslyn Houk, Payton Scharff, Madi Lawson, Brevyn Campbell and sponsor Kelci Botts. Courtesy photo

MORAN — The Marmaton Valley High School Kansas Association of Youth (KAY) Club earned the Gold Award for its community service efforts for the 2021-22 school year.

The award was announced at the Nov. 3 regional conference in Yates Center.

The theme or the regional conference was “Service With Purpose” and afforded students the opportunity to share stories and ideas about projects and conduct sessions for leadership training and organizational skills.

Attending were Madi Lawson, Mary Brown, Roslyn Houk, Payton Scharff, Brevyn Campbell, Janae Granere, LesLeigh, Cary, Brooklyn Adams and club sponsor Kelci Botts.

Donating items to Hope Unlimited are, from left, Payton Scharff, Janae Granere, Roslyn Houk, Madi Lawson, Brevyn Campbell, Mary Brown, LesLeigh Cary, Brooklyn Adams and Michelle Meiwes of Hope Unlimited. Courtesy photo

The Marmaton Valley group also delivered more than 900 items and $400 to Hope  Unlimited, an organization that serves victims of domestic and sexual abuse, following the conference.

Donations came from KAY’s sixth annual “Trick-Or-Treat So They Can Eat” event held Oct. 28 in Moran.
