Prairie Rose 4-H’ers learn about bread

At the recent Prairie Rose 4-H Club meeting, the Cloverbuds learned about bread. It was a lesson worth a lot of dough.



February 1, 2022 - 10:17 AM

The regular monthly meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H Club was called to order by President Mallory Heim on Jan. 9 at Moran United Methodist Church.  

The Cloverbuds led in the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge. Roll call was answered by 20 members, three Cloverbuds, and two leaders.  

There were no guests and a quorum was present.  The secretary’s minutes were approved as read and the officer reports were all approved as given including the treasurer’s report, reporter’s report and the County Council report. 

Community leaders, Angelea Heim and Kelci Botts, reminded the club of upcoming events and the upcoming deadline for District 4-H Day. 

There was no old business and no new business to come before the club.

The program included a talk by Jenni Armstrong about types of breads, different pans to bake bread in, and she demonstrated how to braid bread using tea-towels. 

Gracie Yoho gave a talk about GMOs.  

Junior recreation leader, Doug Dix, led the club in a game of Heads-Up-7-Up. The meeting concluded by reciting the 4-H motto.  The Armstrongs were the host family.  

The next meeting will be at 4 p.m. Feb. 13 at the Moran United Methodist Church with a Cloverbud project starting prior to the meeting at 3:30.
