Jason Warner, K-State Research and Extension Cow-Calf Specialist, offers some insight on what we need to watch for in July:
∙ For spring-calving cow herds:
— Score cows for BCS concurrent with grass growth.
— 2-4-year-old females and thin females will respond most to early-weaning.
— Those planning to early wean should Develop a plan for feeding and marketing calves; prepare weaning/receiving pens and waterers in advance; and if feeding early-weaned calves, test forages and have ration plan and ingredients in place 2-3 weeks prior to weaning.
— Schedule early pregnancy checking activities if not already done.
∙ For late-summer and early-fall calving cowherds:
— Evaluate cows for BCS and adjust your plan to ensure mature cows are ≥ 5.0 and 2-4-year-old females are ≥ 6.0 at calving.
— The final 60 days prior to calving represents the last opportunity to add BCS economically.
— Review your calving health protocols as needed.
∙ Closely manage free-choice salt and mineral programs.
— Record date and amount of salt and mineral offered and calculate herd consumption on a pasture or group basis.
— Adjust how you are offering product to cattle if needed to achieve target intake.
— If consumption is 2X the target intake, then cost will be too!
— Properly store bags and pallets to avoid damage and product loss.
∙ Continue to monitor bulls and their activity throughout the breeding season.