Carlyle Presbyterian

Steve Traw focused on the miracles of Jesus Christ during his sermon, taken from Mark 8:22-33.


October 1, 2024 - 1:54 PM

Steve Traw’s “Turning Point,” sermon Sunday used the scripture from Mark 8:22-33. Jesus spent about a year and a half teaching the multitudes and healing others. Then he spent the next year and a half teaching the disciples. He used the healing of a blind man as a learning experience for the disciples. He spit on the blind man’s eyes, saying the spirit comes from the mouth. But the man still could not see clearly. Jesus then touched the man’s eyes and he could see clearly. This reminds us that sometimes we need a nudge to see things clearly.

After this miracle he tells the man to tell no one. No two miracles were the same, Jesus adapted to each new situation. Just like the blind man, the disciples did not always see Jesus clearly. They lacked insight into Jesus as the Messiah. But just as with the blind man a second touch brought a deeper understanding of who Jesus really was. Jesus knew the future from his ministry to the cross and his death and resurrection.

Myrna Wildschuetz played a variety of favorites including “Jesus Loves Me” and “Just a Closer Walk With Thee.”

Worldwide Communion is Sunday, Oct. 6. A church session meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 15, at 5:45 p.m. Freedom Ministries will be at Winfield Oct. 22-23.
