A line dance group from the Humboldt/Chanute area participated in the Kappa Alpha Chapter of Phi Tau Omega Sorority social on Feb. 27. Kappa Alpha members enjoyed watching the line dancers perform various dances throughout the evening.
Lucinda Stanley, chairman of the Founders Day committee, discussed plans for Founders Day, which is on Saturday. She reported 78 reservations had been received from surrounding chapter members and guests. Mayor Jon Wells will welcome the Phi Tau Omega Chapters to Iola, followed by a catered lunch, with entertainment provided by the line dance group. The Kappa Alpha Afternoon Delights will also entertain the group with a dance to Pretty Woman.
Kappa Alpha also received an invitation to attend the installation of a new chapter, Beta Zeta Phi from St. Louis.
Donations of non-perishable food items were collected for the Iola Community Pantry, and food items were also left in a blessing box in Haysville. A gas card was given to a cancer patient in February. Soap, towels and blankets were donated to ACARF. The Kappa Alpha Chapter will help the Presbyterian Church with Sunday Soups on April 28.
The March social will be at 6:30 p.m. March 18 at Susan Hoffmeiers home. The next business meeting will be at 7 p.m. April 1 at Community National Bank.