Kappa Alpha installs officers


July 30, 2019 - 10:06 AM

Kappa Alpha officers for 2019-20 are, from left, Sharon Bland, Rhodenia Rowe, Carla Hunt, Jolene Boeken, Susan Locke, Janet Wilson, and Lucinda Stanley. COURTESY PHOTO

The Kappa Alpha Chapter, Phi Tau Omega Sorority, met at Bolling’s Meatery and Eatery July 15, for its monthly social. Connie Rutledge and Carla Hunt hosted 17 members.

Following dinner, the group met at Community National Bank for officer installations for 2019-20.

Roberta Ellis installed Lucinda Stanley as president; Janet Wilson, vice president; Carla Hunt, treasurer; Rhodenia Rowe, associate scribe; Jolene Boeken, social secretary; Susan Locke, recording secretary; and Sharon Bland, sergeant-at-arms. Barbara Anderson was unable to attend, but will be installed as historian later.  

Lucinda set up new committees for 2019-2020, and the newly elected national platform for the year, Down syndrome awareness. Kappa Alpha brought up several ideas to honor her platform. 

The next business meeting is at 7 p.m. Monday at CNB.
